It’s hard to be organized and reach your goals when the rest of your life is in disorder. Here we identify some areas you may want to improve on first in order to become the successful person you have always dreamed about becoming. It will take some work but will be so very worth it in the long run. And you might just learn more about your self in the process.
Thinking about getting organized is one thing, actually doing it is much more difficult. Just getting started can be the hardest part. Where do you even begin. It seams like a daunting task and can be put aside for an other day. But the longer you put things off the more disorganized things get. Relaxing and doing things you enjoy isn’t much fun when you have things hanging over your head you know you need to deal with. And when you finely do try to deal with it things are even worse now since more has added to the problems.
Most of us have goals and dreams of what we would like our lives to look like. Maybe we have always wanted to start our own business. Go back to school, travel the world, become a fitness buff or just get a better job. Being successful is about being consistant and having structure. Setting plans and doing the steps to get us to our end goals. Many people wont get past the part of dreaming about a future because they haven’t actualy taken hold of their lives. If your life is a mess it will be very hard to become a successful in your goals. Here are some simple things that you may want to work on first in order to be ready to take on the bigger things.
Your home is a mess
Now I’m not saying your home has to be in complete order before you ever take on new challenges. But if you have a hard time getting your living space in a presentable state and keep it like that you will probably have a hard time being constant with your goals. And it is a lot easier to be successful when you aren’t constantly searching your home for items you need because your place is so disorganized. Coming home to a clean and clutter free home will help you feel better over all. And being able to take control of that area of your life will help you feel more confident in other areas. Also the consistency you practice in keeping your home in order every day will be important in practice with when working on your goals. It may not be fun at first but over time as you keep at it the routine will become normal and will be a welcome. Plus if you keep your home in order it is a lot less work in the long run. Plus if you have guests and friends over and they see you are a person of order it could open up new doors. After all would your friend recommend you for a great job opening if they know you cant even keep your home in order. They will probably pass you over for the more organized friend.
Are your taxed up to date
Taxes, I know not the most fun subject but also important to keep up with. Some countries have stiffer consequences for not doing your taxes every year. It will also depend on if you are a business owner or an employee. It could be anything from jail time, owing lots of money to not getting money back you have already paid threw you job. Plus some benefits you could receive for doing your taxes. What ever the situation getting behind on them can seam daunting and be easy to feel like avoiding the longer you put off. But like most things you put off in life the consequences of not doing them won’t just go away and at some point you will have to put on your big boy or girl pants and deal with it. There are many free or affordable tax filing programs online you can use. They have information to help you understand your situation better. Also you most likely can go on line to your countries websites and find out the information about doing your taxes. If you feel you need to speak to some one many tax prep business will look over your taxes and at least give you an idea of how much it will cost if you decide to have them do your taxes for you. After figuring out your tax situation and how much it will cost to fix it you need to take action in order to get it done and stay on top of it it in the future.
Are your bills all paid
Paying bills is an other of those things that isn’t much fun but is even less fun when bill collectors are calling. Like the other things we have discussed being behind on things can be stressful. And not being able to keep up with your bills is definitely a stressful situation. I try to pay my bills as they come because you might forget if not. Doing a budget can help. Maybe you have no idea of how you are spending your money. Actually seeing your finances and understanding how you spend can help you get on top of your bills. And maybe you are living beyond your means. You might have to swap out that fancy Starbucks coffee for a home made coffee. Or maybe cancel that gym membership you never actually use. Go grocery shopping instead of eating out. If you really can’t see anything you can cut out maybe you need more money. You could take on a part time job. Get a roommate or rent out a room part time on places like air b&b. If you don’t like having boss there are lots of options for gig types of work. You could also put up an add for house cleaning, or yard work. Or you could see if your friends or family members need any help they are willing to pay you for doing. Maybe your aunt has a cluttered home. Offer to help organize it and declutter.
Are you bringing in a steady income
Work isn’t always fun, in fact it is mostly the opposite of fun. But neither is being broke and behind on your bills. Having bill collectors and creditors calling you constantly. I know you have big plans and working a job you don’t enjoy isn’t part of that plan. But some times you have to suck it up for the time being and just get things back on track in order to be able to work on your goals. Having a clean slate will feel so good. Getting organized and free from the stress of having things hanging over your head will give you piece of mind. You aren’t giving up your dreams. You are just stepping back from them for a bit to get things in order. That way when you get back to them you will be more organized and really be able to focus on them. And maybe you will inspire others around you to get their lives in order as well.
Set your self up for continued success
Once you get your self and surroundings in order it is important to keep on track. Make plans to stay on track. Do up a budget so you can make sure you don’t get behind on your bills and have enough money to cover all your expenses. Have a plan in place for your taxes and if you are running a business or are doing contract work use a bookkeeping program to keep things in order. Don’t take on more tasks in life then you can handle. Learn to say no to people wanting your time. Before you go have fun do a look around. Are there dishes or other things you could quickly tackle so you don’t have to do it when you get home. It is easier to spend 15 minuets now then hours a week from now to get your home back in order. The goal is maintenance here. You want to stay on top of things so you don’t have a mountain of work to deal with at a later date.